Saturday, May 29, 2010

Life on mars

Loving Life on Mars - first time watching any of it.
Sis leaving on Thurs - feel a bit weepy about that but am not going to tell her that , she has a life lol
will play wow soon , will also have a play on dragonage again , much fun there too only pity its not an mmo
Dad tired after chemo , this is a long game we are playing , my hope is that its years long.
Still no word from clinic
right , knackered going to finish watching this then am sodding off to bed , work in the morning , i could be fucked less....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Smirnoff and apple juice

Its what I'm drinking right now , you see there's family drama about xmas already.
PLEASE people! it may be Dad's last one and everyone is up in arms about extra ppl coming to visit and/or have dinner n shit , yeah ok I don't like it either , make my Dad's potential last xmas a fucking pantomime why don't they .
Fuck it they're coming whether we like it or not anyway.
Lost ....what a heap of shit , what a terrible namby pamby nancy knicker wearing ending...
Ashes to Ashes good ending , not the best but by far better than Lost , ok everyone's dead in both series so it breaks down like this :

Jack saves island = Gene save souls
Jack's Dad = Gene Hunt
Church = Pub
Lost = Ashes to Ashes

There you go and fuck the typeface changes too , really can't be bothered lol.
Vodka does a thing where my nastiness comes out , possibly tonight it needs to I best not speak in Partners direction...

Saturday, May 22, 2010


So its been a while , well I never was the most prolific blogger , not that I have kids to blog about , plenty of real life issues though !
Dad has his last session of chemo next wednesday , my sis is here from Australia on a two week flying visit , at least this way she sees all the shite stuff happening first hand .
I have issues of a feminine nature ( I could give a fuck if this embarrasses anyone) so they are sending me to the fertility clinic , guess this means kids poss sooner than I thought . At nearly 30 I need to sort that shit out before time runs out , that at least I have learned from Dad's illness.
Time isn't on anyone's side not even Gene Hunts ok? and he's dead already anyway!
Work pauchels along at the same rate , same shite from same people , less chance of me putting up with it , I am so definitely not taking it lying down anymore no fucking way.
I'm never too good at blogging , it's not that I've not got anything to say , I've got loads believe me but more of a Ah crap I can't think or Ah crap I can't be bothered.
I will be back though , poss use this as some mad chart of fertility nonsense and Dad's cancer as it was intended for in the first place oh and yes you , you scumbag if you are readi8ng this karma will bite your ass , cheek of anyone wishing karma on a dying man and his family , disgusting thing to say .