Monday, January 18, 2010


Still no word from the hospital , waiting is a nightmare but then we've been waiting since November for all of it.
Dad seems well enough but as he said to an aunt who told him that " that will teach you to judge a book by its cover"
And so there it is , the scariness of it, he seems so well for someone terminally ill.
Sis was on webcam from Aus- she hadnt realised that he was not going back to work and that all the stuff in the room behind us was from his office , another harsh fact slapped in our faces.
My poor mother she turns to everyone outside of the immediate family , I think shes never had to look to us kids before and so now when she has to she doesnt think and still turns to those less important. It will make for arguments , big bro will have to step in soon.
Mum's no good with finances , I pity her cos without Dad its going to be harder than she ever thought.
Mind you there have been laughs this weekend , Mum flashed my sis on the webcam !!

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