Thursday, January 14, 2010


So I had my breakdown on monday night , my partner accused me of bullying him saying that he couldnt keep me happy etc etc and I ran out of the house and cried down a back alley.
I came back to the house sat down and said "It isn't about you , this isn't about you " and he's all " I don't know how much longer I can stick this "etc and I said " You need to think about what you want to do but I can't help how I am not right now " I said " My Daddy is dying and I'm scared!" amongst sobs , it went downhill from there and felt fairly cathartic after a while .

Next day was the appt as detailed before and I got two ingrowing toenails removed , my god its sore.
I had to leave work early yesterday because I couldn't walk and take today off too . I'm fairly sure I will face a disiplinary for it.. oh well.. in the grand scheme of things work aint that important compared to everything else.
I'm struggling today to ditch old crockery and move boxes while tidying the kitchen. Seemingly I can't walk very far without the pressure being a bit much for my toes .
I haven't heard if Daddy has a date for the surgery yet .
I pray its soon.

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