Saturday, January 09, 2010

Cancer and other things

So here it is , the one thing I thought ( or rather hoped ) would never happen.
Mesothelioma .. sounds nasty doesn't it? Well it is theres no doubting that and its now affecting my family in the only way it can .
My poor dad at some point in his life was exposed to asbestos and this is the result .
The next lot of months are going to be full of pain , operations, treatment and questions, questions we had hoped never to ask and answers we had hoped never to hear.
Its a tough time for us as you can imagine especially for our mum who has to bear the awful brunt of it all , who will by the look of it grow old without her husband by her side and the little sis who is on her travels in Australia and who can do nothing except wait for news in a country where she is without her immediate family but hopefully some good and supportive friends.
I hope this blog doesn't become just a diary of losing one's father to cancer , I hope we have good things to share too , lord knows we need it.

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